Freedom Laser Therapy and Health Fairs Direct partner to offer innovative corporate smoking cessation program covered by FSA.
Online, January 21, 2016 ( - Freedom Laser Therapy, a nationally recognized nicotine addiction clinic based in Los Angeles, and Health Fairs Direct, a leading New Jersey-based corporate health and wellness program provider, join forces to launch a unique smoking cessation wellness program that aims to help corporations get their employees off smoking — at no cost. The Freedom Quit Smoking System is covered by employees' Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA Rx), creating a golden opportunity for employers to reduce the number of smokers without necessitating an out-of-pocket expenditure. Health Fairs Direct is now Freedom's exclusive corporate partner presenting the new smoking cessation program nationwide to corporations, insurance companies, and health care practitioners.
Smoking employees are a serious issue for corporations. In June 2013, NBC News reported on average a smoking employee costs a corporation $6,000 annually due to loss of productivity, sick days, and increased annual health benefits premiums. It's no wonder that there is a growing corporate culture to create healthier employees and foster a workplace that cares for their own. Despite the decrease in number of smokers year after year, a 2015, CDC report states that 18.1% of U.S. adults are still smoking.
Many employers are now establishing zero tolerance tobacco-free workplaces, and there is a growing trend among employers to no longer hire new job applicants who smoke. This shows a shift in trends as corporations take initiative to promote more healthful workplaces and reduce insurance premiums. This Freedom Laser Therapy and Health Fairs Direct join venture came an opportune time as it brings a practical solution for corporations to overcome this growing problem.
Since 2003, Freedom Laser Therapy has assisted over 10,000 smokers in overcoming nicotine addiction in a clinical setting. The company turned the same successful methodology into the new home use Freedom Quit Smoking System, a nicotine-free approach that tackles both the physical and mental aspects of nicotine addiction. The Los Angeles-based company has often turned to Hollywood celebrities to help promote their stop smoking program to the world.
"Corporations are looking for a less expensive and more reliable alternative to the traditional smoking cessation program," said John Buckley of Health Fairs Direct. Buckley's company has been leading the industry in innovative corporate health and wellbeing programming for over 18 years. They deliver over 600 health and wellness events a year as part of their corporate wellness program lineup. Health Fairs Direct's can be attributed to their unlocking of the secret to sustainable behavior change in corporate employees.
Craig Nabat, CEO of Freedom Laser Therapy, says, "We've developed an effective 10-day home use quit smoking program where the employee doesn't need to take any time off work to partake in an employer-initiated smoking cessation program." The creation between Freedom Laser Therapy's and Health Fairs Direct's collective expertise. The result is a powerful corporate smoking cessation system that can help companies of any size increase their bottom line through healthier, smoke-free employees.
Understanding what's at stake here, insurance companies are jumping on this opportunity to collaborate with Freedom Laser Therapy and Health Fairs Direct to reduce the number of smoking individuals. Offering a unique and effective stop smoking program to their subscribers would undoubtedly increase the bottom line for insurance providers and attract more corporate clients.
More and more corporations are re-examining their existing workplace wellness programs, understanding its benefits not only in employee retention and wellbeing as well as the financial savings. Pioneering business owners and human resource managers are looking for real solutions to the costly issues associated with unhealthy employees. With the joint partnership between Freedom Laser Therapy and Health Fairs Direct, corporations now have the opportunity to invest more in their most valuable assets — their employees. Providing greater support for employees through innovative health and wellness programs, like the Freedom Quit Smoking System, would create long lasting benefits for both the employee and employer.
About Freedom Laser Therapy
Freedom Laser Therapy is the leader in high-tech laser therapy product development. The Los Angeles-based company develops and markets products that improve consumer health and beauty. Freedom's latest products include the FDA-cleared iRestore Laser Hair Growth System and the Freedom Quit Smoking System.
About Health Fairs Direct
Health Fairs Direct is an independently-owned corporate health and wellness coordination company. The New Jersey-based company specializes in corporate health and wellness fairs.
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